Thursday, October 1, 2015

GG is Gone!

Omaha's observant nature has resulted in the termination of IT specialist Guido Gonzales. Mr. Gonzales has repeated shown a disrespect and disregard for league members, harassed those seeking IT help and exhibited a work ethic that can only be called "sloppy."

The latest Gonzales' failing was omitting the Monday Night game from the week 4 pick chart. When asked to fix it, Gonzales reported used a kaka word to describe the commissioner—the commissioner, of all people! As a result, the commissioner himself, though on a well deserved 10 day leave, leapt into action and solved the problem. A revisitation of the Week 4 Picks Chart by members should allow them to pick the Monday night game. All previous pick charts have been recorded, so members should not have to pick the first 14 games.

The Commissioner lauds member Omaha for his forthright reporting of the problem. And, in fairness to Gonzales, he has been given Omaha's address and phone number.

The Commish has spoken.