Thursday, October 1, 2015

Can vouch for the Commish

Our Commish has rightfully been accused of numerous grievous misbehavings and abuse of power during his rein of terror, but this is one time I can vouch for his accuracy and rare case of honesty.

Ever the slippery shyster, he adeptly sidesteps responsibility for the typo in the bylaws, i.e., incorrectly typing "with" instead of "without" in a critical sentence affecting litigation, he without batting an eyelash blames it on the incompetence of the IT  Department.

Well, for once he is most certainly speaking the truth.   As all of you undoubtedly recall, I was repeatedly subjected to the incompetence of the IT Department throughout last year's GO Zone football prognostications.

I was unable to log into the Zone for almost the entire season.  When I sought the IT Department's assistance in correcting this problem, the problem worsened.  Thus, I had to phone or email my picks to the Commish.

And then, after the season had ended, all of my login problems magicly disappeared.

So when the Commish tells you the IT Department is incompetent, believe him.

If you're still not convinced, remember - our Commish is the IT Department.
