Tuesday, September 6, 2011

where is it

First, where is my trophy? Secondly, I feel a midwest collapse coming on again. Thirdly, Cuz Karen should have her own picks. Fourthly, is Uncle Ed a real person? Fifthly, will Cuz Wayne ever get on the blog? How many invitations can one entity send him? He had more invitations than losses last year so you know that is a big number. Sixthly, all motions for change were tabled by two Rob Roys nightly over the summer. Seventhly, the Commish has a contract extension lasting until JD Drew retires. Eightly, why does Lucas, Kate and Marcus even play this game? Best to all as I start my title defense thursday. WAIT, Brandy is still counting the points from last year! One will win and Wayne will whine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kev(Limpbody Trophy Winner)O'Leary