Wednesday, September 14, 2011


How could you fine this owner for asking for fairness????????? Where is your due diligence and doody? A mockery of the GO-Zone!! Who is this guy Ed? Is there any response to changing the point system to one point for every regular season SUNDAY game but two points for a game on any other day. Not to change last week because I wouldn't want to hear the tremendous amount of whining. Nice to see Marcus and newcomer Scott floundering after one week! Kate got lucky and Cuz must have sent three or four in after the games were played! That's what Bran did and she still lost seven!!!!! This thing is just starting to heat up. Watched the sun go down tonight along with Ed's picks this week. Has B-Ry certified the points yet for last week? Sean didn't tell her Manning was out so I suppose she should really be 16-0. Nice start for Luke "Cementhead" O'Leary. I'm waiting for his picks to look like his finish work----rough!! Jo is trashing the commish for not sending the injury reports! Patrick should be fined for staying up too late and scouring ESPN
Best to all,
The Defender