Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday Morning Observations from the Commish

1.     Did you see Antonio Gates? He looked like a nose tackle!
2.     Pats defense is worrisome. How many passes were completed to backs out of the backfield?
3.     Five of six unanimous picks won: Pats, Lions, Jets, Steelers and Packers. Only the Ravens lost. What happened to them?
4.     The Commish and son Marc take the week’s prize for upset picks of Bucs over Vikes.
5.     Lucas and Kate might tie them with a Rams win tonight.
6.     Patrick says Ed is picking the Bills over the Pats next week. Yet he picked the Raiders over the Bills this week. Does that mean he will pick the Raiders over the Pats as well?
7. Working for the government does something to people. Note the following:
The Post Ghost                                                            ATF Director