Thursday, September 22, 2011

Picks Rules

Kevin brought up a valid point (you don't know how hard is was for me to type that) when he referenced the timing of picks. As long as the picks are received before gametime, they  are valid and can be changed right up to gametime with email, the GOZone blog, or a phone call.

In order for members to be able to see other members' picks, using the blog to post them is advised. The picks are then published and dated, so no irresponsible challenges of cover-ups and undo influence should be issued.

Remember, if you want to change a pick, email, blog or call before the starting time of that particular game. The Commissioner has spoken.

BTW, my son Luke has poured and polished the following, amongst many others: The Jets training facility on Long Island, the national 911 Memorial in Pennsylvania,  and an Army logo using colored concrete. (See below)