Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Week 16 Audit

My diligent work as GO Zone Auditor has revealed yet another week of incorrect figures in the Commish's Week 16 stats.

Esteemed member Patrick has correctly pointed out the Commish blatantly gave himself a point for picking the Chiefs to win on Sunday night, when in fact they lost.  The Commish's stats were indeed 12-4 (not 13-3) for a total (with his bonus point for Monday night's game) of 13, not the 14 points he tried to slide past my watchful, and increasingly suspicious, eyes.  The Commish's accumulated points total should be 166, not the 167 he tried to slide by us.

As pointed out by the honorable Patrick, The Ghost's record for Week 16 was actually 12-4, not 12-3 as shown in the Commish's stats.  It is correct that since this error was on the loss column, it is superficial and doesn't affect the Ghost's points total, correctly shown as 172.

But wait, this report is not finished.

Move over to Mike's son Luke, aka Peterborough, points total.  Peterborough's record for the week was, in fact, 11-5.  Since he picked the losing Broncos on Monday night, he receives no bonus point.

But the Commish tried to slip son Luke an invisible point, upping his total to 12 for the week and an inflated accumulated total of 159, instead of the 158 he has actually earned.

Yours in dedicated service,


CEO Auditing Department
Chief of Investigations
VP Quality Control
Senior Visible Member - SAC
Supervisor of Housekeeping