Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Week 13 Audit

 I had such high hopes for Week 13.  There are 18 players in the GO Zone football league. 

Our bumbling Commish got the first 14 players totals correct.

Then came player No. 15, young Sanford.

The Commish correctly said he had a 10-6 record, plus 1 bonus point = 11 Week 13 points.

But alas, his hot streak once again turned cold.  The Commish then added those 11 points to Week 12's total points, which he incorrectly listed as 122 points, giving him a new total of 133 points.

EXCEPT - Sanford's week 12 total points were 124, two points more than the Commish gave him credit for.

Sanford's correct numbers are:  Week 13 W-L record =   10-6
                                                                          Bonus =     1
                                                                          Total   =   11
                                                                   Last Week =  124
                                                                   New Total =  135


VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Department
Director Human Resources
Senior Visible Member Advisory Council
Supervisor of Housekeeping
Chief of Bureau of Investigations