Sunday, December 23, 2018


  There appears to more than just a hint of collusion on two fronts. First, the Commish has been unusually quiet amid the Guido firestorm. No fines, no suspension, not even a whiff of whether to question that slouch of an IT director. Secondly, the records show that Luke and Marc have almost identical picks this year along with The king of the North and The Ghost, The Commish and Peg, and Nick and Amy. However the saddest of all seems to be coming from Nebraska but the difficult aspect  of this one surrounds the question of is Omaha picking for Big Red or is Big Red picking for Omahaha. One report also says that there is possible collusion between Onahaha and the Commish in that picks are coming in on monday mornings! This also could involve Guido on a number of fronts!
  All of this will make for a busy summer meeting as bylaw revisions, fines and suspensions will headline the agenda.

Yours in kindness,
League Watchdog
SAC Senior Advisor
Chairman, Blow The Whistle Committee