Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Concern for Omaha

I am not sure what is ailing poor Omahahahahahaha. but he should get medical attention immediately. The myopic man has raised an issue where none exists nor should exist, not for the first time.

His claim of a mistake in the point total of Sanford, one which Sanford neither reported or requested, is based solely on his week 12 point total being 124 instead of the reported 122. However, he offers no proof that 124 should be the correct total and rushes to accusations and slander.

The week 12 Stats verify that Sanford earned 122 points and was cut and pasted into the week 13 stats page. Neither I for anyone else knows why Sanford should have 124 points after week 12, but Omahhahahahahahaha insists that is so.

I know it is trendy to just make up statements without proof or validity, but we should all at the very least agree on the facts. I am not perfect. I make mistakes. When Omahahahahahahaha points any valid arithmetic errors, I quickly check his figures and correct the record.

But he has the advantage of having all the facts and figures in front of him. He must make a bigger effort to be as accurate as he can.