Friday, December 21, 2018

Guido the guppy

 All league members should be aghast at the outburst from Guido. As much as he is spot on with his assessment of  Omaha,  he seems a bit on edge with the other dutiful members. It may be that he can’t find his pillbox.  No matter what the case, his verbal Trump-like  assault  on Deland and the Boss  calls for an immediate suspension and loss of pay.  The bylaws clearly state that any member  on any given week who cannot find the survey, they automatically take the home team .  Guido should take his sorry ass back to Puerto Rico  and rotate on his bar stool until his attitude is adjusted.  Even Omaha with his multitude of problems could agree that Guido has stepped  out of bounds.  One final note of interest  is that Guido was seen sleeping in the urinal at the NCAA volleyball tournament somewhere in  Nebraska. Another violation of his contract.  This does not bode well for him and calls for yet another investigation.
  I certainly hope Jude the Prude will be able to recover from all the insults!

League Watchdog
SAC Senior Advisor