Thursday, February 4, 2016

Picks Chart Clarification

As Omaha implies, each statement in the picks chart has an understood "The team..." before the statement. Thus, the following is the intent of each:

(The team with the) most rushing yards (will be)

(The team with the) most passing yards (will be)

(The team with the) most completions (will be)

(The team with the) most penalty yards (will be)

(The team that has the) most sacks (will be)

(The team that commits the) most turnovers (will be)

(The team with the) most passing td's (will be)

The Commish hopes that this clarifies everything. He is somewhat puzzled by the confusion, as last year the same statements were put out for prediction, but in the excitement of the SuperBowl with so many members in the running for the Chappie, it is understandable that everyone would want to be sure of what they were betting on.

The Commish has spoken.