Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A season to remember

As the Commish so astutely said, the closest evah. It sure was nice to see Cuz, the Ghost and the King of the North all in the breakdown lane on Super Sunday. My rear view mirror never looked so good! A heartfelt congrats to Luke and Jo as this year's champs. Chappie is smiling down on "The  Chappie" winners.
It is most appropriate at this time to thank the Commish and his office staff for another fine year of incorrect addition, useless notes of interest, and the unique ability to bash and belittle owners as seen with his weekly veto power. However, he put together a solid season after a slow start getting out of the Nashua gates. Kudos to his worker bees Peg, Beau and Guido. By the way, Guido has already disappeared to some unnamed island soon after telling Goodell to give the Broncos the damn trophy. His position will be voted on by league owners at the summer meeting at Uncanoonic. I believe the trophy ceremony may take place there as well.
One comment if interest. Bran says she would have won this year if the vetoed rule of getting extra points for being the sole winner of a game was in effect. She is full of "what ifs".

Lots of fun
Best to all,