Friday, February 12, 2016

Canards, Fabrications, Distortions, Calumnies, and Mendacious Libels

As amusing as it is to see Omaha and Deland struggle to compliment others, a few facts must be offered, just as a counterbalance to all their aspersions. First of all , our fine IT Director, Guido Gonzales, has done a fantastic job this year in producing the most reliable picks charts ever. Only a few mistakes were made, and Guido corrected them quickly. Guido also had control of this, at times, prodigious temper. He accepted criticism, if not well, then certainly without physical retributions. Everyone knows how much of a Pats fan is Guido, and his amazement and anger at those who picked against them threatened to get the better of him. Luckily, picking against the Pats was mostly limited to the state of Nebraska, and we all know what all that fresh air does to one's judgment.

Omaha's knowledge of fishing was well displayed, but his facts were a fish story. Despite being apparently maimed by Marty Robbins in The West Texas Town of El Paso, or maybe because of it, Omaha puts forth the prevarication that the super bowl results were "rigged", then says he does not want to "cheapen the validity of the coveted Millie and Chappie Awards." So. he cheapens the validity of the awards, then says he doesn't want anyone to do that. Uh, okay.

Then, in his bullish way, Omaha somehow messes up the formating of his post and, lo and behold, Luke's name is much larger than the surrounding text, and Jo's is much smaller. Given the sketchy history between Omaha and Jo (or Omaha and any female), it will be difficult to assuage Jo's anger once she gets back and sees his post.

And to heap scorn and calumny on poor Guido, who works very hard and is underpaid to boot (seeing as some members have not been totally punctual in their dues payments), is a crime unto itself. Omaha slings "errors in published picks, last-minute changes in some picks, math errors in calculation of the standings" at Guido, despite their being few errors in published picks (thanks to Guido for finding the Survey Monkey engine that fuels our picks weekly), last minute changes that were the result of accusations from one absent minded member and only that member (Omaha), and math errors that occurred occasionally but were quickly corrected.

Deland jumps on top of the pile with his wild and egregiously false claims against Guido and by threatening his job. The Senior Advisory Council seldoms votes Deland's way, so Guido, should we find him in time, will be advised to ignore the buffoon.

All Go-Zone members know how competitive our league is, and we all revel in that. But, we must take advice from Peyton Manning and let some time expire before we hurl baseless and malicious accusations at each other. We much take the higher road and avoid the low road of the Trumps of the world (although I do find him amusing, and given the other candidates, he probably will do pretty well).

The Commish has spoken.