Tuesday, February 9, 2016

2015 Season Final Observations

1. Closest Evah! The race was the closest ever, complete with surges, rebounds and falterings at the end. Kevin surged from way back to come within 2 points of taking it all. Luke and Jo both rebounded from late season losses to grab the gold ring. Wayne and Ed were in the running the entire season until the super bowl where they garnered only 1 point each to fade at the end.

2. Never in the Cards for Kevin. As improbable as it was, his surge was destined to fall short by the ineptitude of the two offenses on the field in the super bowl and by the fact he had to leapfrog six league members to get the trophy.  There were 14 points available and he sat at 180 to Joe's 191 and Luke and Wayne's 190, not to mention Ed's 189, Patrick's 187, Karen's 186, and Marc's 185. If he had gotten all 14 points he would have leapfrogged all the way to a tie, but he got 12 of the 14 and one point was taken away when no offense scored on a pass. When Luke got his four points and Jo her three, is was all over for Kevin.

3. Don't Look Back. At this point in the season, many members are tempted to look back at earlier week's choices and lament their picks. For instance, Karen might want to go back to her anti-Pat picks and kick herself for losing 5 points from those games. Realizing that 5 points would have made her a co-champion does her no good at this point. The Commish's advice: don't look back. That way lies monsters and madness.

4. Not Feeling the Pressure. Luke called me up Sunday morning and asked me how many points he was behind. Surprised that it was only 1, he exclaimed, "Great. I hope I get the Chappie." He had already picked, not having any clue as to how far behind he was.

5. Kirk Off the Snide. It is interesting to the Commish that siblings, spouses and father/sons trended so closely at the end. Kirk, who has been working diligently to get out of the cellar, lept up to within one point of Diane. Wayne and Karen were within 2 points, Ed and Patrick tied at 190, Kev was within two of Jo, as was Sean with Brandy. Stats are strange things.