Sunday, February 14, 2016

Once again

Yes, unfortunately and again the Commish has spoken and with forked tongue I might add. The verbal assault on Omaha, however appropriate, seemed a bit harsh. The Commish should know at this juncture that Omaha often lashes out at whoever lies in his path soon after faltering. I pray for Karen and his golfing partners. The tone of the Commish's reply had a definite Guido-like edge to it. As if Guido or the Commish don't already rake in enough $$$ for the small amount of time they apply to their trade! Imagine if the Commish spent as much time toiling at his job instead of toileting with these rebuttals. The two big questions remain. Will Guido actually show for the summer meeting and will Omaha ever win a Millie or Chappie? God knows this is not spinner baseball!

Also, the summer meeting has been set for the first week in June at the Uncanoonic Beehive. Someone needs to help Diane drink her wine and pick blueberries! Omaha and Big Red should be there with a day yet to be set. Guido should have the date out to all as soon as he returns from Aruba. The league will be planning a golf expedition with the expected attendance of the Midwest Mucker at the Stonebridge CC where Champ Jo has a cousin who is the club pro there. No Commish, CC is not a drink!

Cheers to all,