Thursday, February 11, 2016

If it smells like fish, things are usually fishy

I tell ya there's trouble
Right here in the GO Zone
With a capital T
And that rhymes with G
And that stands for Guido!

My apologies to the Music Man

As you may recall, on January 15, 2016 our esteemed Commish appointed me GO Zone IT Consultant.   My duties were numerous and varied, but most urgent was the need to rein in and provide direction to one Guido Gonzalez, IT Operations Manager for the GO Zone.  His work habits were at best lackadaisical and it was soon obvious he was incapable of filling the highly technical requirements of this most important position.

Worse than his incompetence was the matter of his honesty, or, in this case dishonesty.

I came to suspect he was on the take so to speak, taking money under the table to rig the results of our NFL pick-em contest.  There were just too many irregularities: so-called errors in the published picks, last-minute changes in some picks, math errors in calculations of the standings just to name a few.

It is apparent Guido suspected I was investigating his methods, as immediately after the Super Bowl, he disappeared!  He took with him his laptop, provided and paid for by the good members of the Go Zone. 

My sources tell me he was tracked to the west Texas town of El Paso where he is said to have killed a man in a gunfight over a Mexican beauty.  But he escaped through the back door of Rosa's Cantino and disappeared into the night, most likely across the border into our neighbor in the south.   And with him, I suspect, his laptop.

Thus, I do not have in my possession the cyber evidence to confirm my suspicions that our contest was rigged.

Now, I feel it would be very unfair to point the finger of suspicion and taint anyone's hard won victory, thereby cheapening the validity of the coveted Millie and Chappie Awards.

Therefor, I urge all members to join me in recognizing and congratulating Luke and Joanne for their most deserved victory.


GO Zone IT Consultant