Sunday, February 14, 2016

Once again

Yes, unfortunately and again the Commish has spoken and with forked tongue I might add. The verbal assault on Omaha, however appropriate, seemed a bit harsh. The Commish should know at this juncture that Omaha often lashes out at whoever lies in his path soon after faltering. I pray for Karen and his golfing partners. The tone of the Commish's reply had a definite Guido-like edge to it. As if Guido or the Commish don't already rake in enough $$$ for the small amount of time they apply to their trade! Imagine if the Commish spent as much time toiling at his job instead of toileting with these rebuttals. The two big questions remain. Will Guido actually show for the summer meeting and will Omaha ever win a Millie or Chappie? God knows this is not spinner baseball!

Also, the summer meeting has been set for the first week in June at the Uncanoonic Beehive. Someone needs to help Diane drink her wine and pick blueberries! Omaha and Big Red should be there with a day yet to be set. Guido should have the date out to all as soon as he returns from Aruba. The league will be planning a golf expedition with the expected attendance of the Midwest Mucker at the Stonebridge CC where Champ Jo has a cousin who is the club pro there. No Commish, CC is not a drink!

Cheers to all,

Friday, February 12, 2016

Canards, Fabrications, Distortions, Calumnies, and Mendacious Libels

As amusing as it is to see Omaha and Deland struggle to compliment others, a few facts must be offered, just as a counterbalance to all their aspersions. First of all , our fine IT Director, Guido Gonzales, has done a fantastic job this year in producing the most reliable picks charts ever. Only a few mistakes were made, and Guido corrected them quickly. Guido also had control of this, at times, prodigious temper. He accepted criticism, if not well, then certainly without physical retributions. Everyone knows how much of a Pats fan is Guido, and his amazement and anger at those who picked against them threatened to get the better of him. Luckily, picking against the Pats was mostly limited to the state of Nebraska, and we all know what all that fresh air does to one's judgment.

Omaha's knowledge of fishing was well displayed, but his facts were a fish story. Despite being apparently maimed by Marty Robbins in The West Texas Town of El Paso, or maybe because of it, Omaha puts forth the prevarication that the super bowl results were "rigged", then says he does not want to "cheapen the validity of the coveted Millie and Chappie Awards." So. he cheapens the validity of the awards, then says he doesn't want anyone to do that. Uh, okay.

Then, in his bullish way, Omaha somehow messes up the formating of his post and, lo and behold, Luke's name is much larger than the surrounding text, and Jo's is much smaller. Given the sketchy history between Omaha and Jo (or Omaha and any female), it will be difficult to assuage Jo's anger once she gets back and sees his post.

And to heap scorn and calumny on poor Guido, who works very hard and is underpaid to boot (seeing as some members have not been totally punctual in their dues payments), is a crime unto itself. Omaha slings "errors in published picks, last-minute changes in some picks, math errors in calculation of the standings" at Guido, despite their being few errors in published picks (thanks to Guido for finding the Survey Monkey engine that fuels our picks weekly), last minute changes that were the result of accusations from one absent minded member and only that member (Omaha), and math errors that occurred occasionally but were quickly corrected.

Deland jumps on top of the pile with his wild and egregiously false claims against Guido and by threatening his job. The Senior Advisory Council seldoms votes Deland's way, so Guido, should we find him in time, will be advised to ignore the buffoon.

All Go-Zone members know how competitive our league is, and we all revel in that. But, we must take advice from Peyton Manning and let some time expire before we hurl baseless and malicious accusations at each other. We much take the higher road and avoid the low road of the Trumps of the world (although I do find him amusing, and given the other candidates, he probably will do pretty well).

The Commish has spoken.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

If it smells like fish, things are usually fishy

I tell ya there's trouble
Right here in the GO Zone
With a capital T
And that rhymes with G
And that stands for Guido!

My apologies to the Music Man

As you may recall, on January 15, 2016 our esteemed Commish appointed me GO Zone IT Consultant.   My duties were numerous and varied, but most urgent was the need to rein in and provide direction to one Guido Gonzalez, IT Operations Manager for the GO Zone.  His work habits were at best lackadaisical and it was soon obvious he was incapable of filling the highly technical requirements of this most important position.

Worse than his incompetence was the matter of his honesty, or, in this case dishonesty.

I came to suspect he was on the take so to speak, taking money under the table to rig the results of our NFL pick-em contest.  There were just too many irregularities: so-called errors in the published picks, last-minute changes in some picks, math errors in calculations of the standings just to name a few.

It is apparent Guido suspected I was investigating his methods, as immediately after the Super Bowl, he disappeared!  He took with him his laptop, provided and paid for by the good members of the Go Zone. 

My sources tell me he was tracked to the west Texas town of El Paso where he is said to have killed a man in a gunfight over a Mexican beauty.  But he escaped through the back door of Rosa's Cantino and disappeared into the night, most likely across the border into our neighbor in the south.   And with him, I suspect, his laptop.

Thus, I do not have in my possession the cyber evidence to confirm my suspicions that our contest was rigged.

Now, I feel it would be very unfair to point the finger of suspicion and taint anyone's hard won victory, thereby cheapening the validity of the coveted Millie and Chappie Awards.

Therefor, I urge all members to join me in recognizing and congratulating Luke and Joanne for their most deserved victory.


GO Zone IT Consultant

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

end of the season

Congrats to the winners !!! As always a good fun season . Im in for having the ceremony at uncanonuc . Kirk on the other hand , if its chipmunk season he may be out in his tree stand busy . Pick a date and ill be there :o)

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A season to remember

As the Commish so astutely said, the closest evah. It sure was nice to see Cuz, the Ghost and the King of the North all in the breakdown lane on Super Sunday. My rear view mirror never looked so good! A heartfelt congrats to Luke and Jo as this year's champs. Chappie is smiling down on "The  Chappie" winners.
It is most appropriate at this time to thank the Commish and his office staff for another fine year of incorrect addition, useless notes of interest, and the unique ability to bash and belittle owners as seen with his weekly veto power. However, he put together a solid season after a slow start getting out of the Nashua gates. Kudos to his worker bees Peg, Beau and Guido. By the way, Guido has already disappeared to some unnamed island soon after telling Goodell to give the Broncos the damn trophy. His position will be voted on by league owners at the summer meeting at Uncanoonic. I believe the trophy ceremony may take place there as well.
One comment if interest. Bran says she would have won this year if the vetoed rule of getting extra points for being the sole winner of a game was in effect. She is full of "what ifs".

Lots of fun
Best to all,

2015 Season Final Observations

1. Closest Evah! The race was the closest ever, complete with surges, rebounds and falterings at the end. Kevin surged from way back to come within 2 points of taking it all. Luke and Jo both rebounded from late season losses to grab the gold ring. Wayne and Ed were in the running the entire season until the super bowl where they garnered only 1 point each to fade at the end.

2. Never in the Cards for Kevin. As improbable as it was, his surge was destined to fall short by the ineptitude of the two offenses on the field in the super bowl and by the fact he had to leapfrog six league members to get the trophy.  There were 14 points available and he sat at 180 to Joe's 191 and Luke and Wayne's 190, not to mention Ed's 189, Patrick's 187, Karen's 186, and Marc's 185. If he had gotten all 14 points he would have leapfrogged all the way to a tie, but he got 12 of the 14 and one point was taken away when no offense scored on a pass. When Luke got his four points and Jo her three, is was all over for Kevin.

3. Don't Look Back. At this point in the season, many members are tempted to look back at earlier week's choices and lament their picks. For instance, Karen might want to go back to her anti-Pat picks and kick herself for losing 5 points from those games. Realizing that 5 points would have made her a co-champion does her no good at this point. The Commish's advice: don't look back. That way lies monsters and madness.

4. Not Feeling the Pressure. Luke called me up Sunday morning and asked me how many points he was behind. Surprised that it was only 1, he exclaimed, "Great. I hope I get the Chappie." He had already picked, not having any clue as to how far behind he was.

5. Kirk Off the Snide. It is interesting to the Commish that siblings, spouses and father/sons trended so closely at the end. Kirk, who has been working diligently to get out of the cellar, lept up to within one point of Diane. Wayne and Karen were within 2 points, Ed and Patrick tied at 190, Kev was within two of Jo, as was Sean with Brandy. Stats are strange things.

Monday, February 8, 2016

messed up

Yea that chart is a little wanky !! Plus Im pretty sure I picked the patriots !! :0)

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Week 21 SuperBowl Stats

Congratulations to Luke and Jo for being co-champions of the Go Zone Football League. Luke and Jo finished with 194 points. Kevin was next with 192. Then Wayne with 191, and Ed and Patrick with 190.

Kevin won the week with 12 points and Kirk was second with 11. Brandy was third with 10.

2015 SuperBowl Picks

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Picks Chart Clarification

As Omaha implies, each statement in the picks chart has an understood "The team..." before the statement. Thus, the following is the intent of each:

(The team with the) most rushing yards (will be)

(The team with the) most passing yards (will be)

(The team with the) most completions (will be)

(The team with the) most penalty yards (will be)

(The team that has the) most sacks (will be)

(The team that commits the) most turnovers (will be)

(The team with the) most passing td's (will be)

The Commish hopes that this clarifies everything. He is somewhat puzzled by the confusion, as last year the same statements were put out for prediction, but in the excitement of the SuperBowl with so many members in the running for the Chappie, it is understandable that everyone would want to be sure of what they were betting on.

The Commish has spoken.


Hey Commish, need some clarification.

I assume you are asking which team's offense will have the most rushing yards, passing yards, pass completions and passing TDs, right?

I assume you are asking which team will be flagged for the most penalty yards, correct?

Are you asking which team will record the most sacks on defense, or which team will suffer the most sacks to its QB?

Are you asking which team will turn the ball over the most times, or which team's defense will record the most turnovers?

If I could find him, I would chastise Guido for  being so carelessly vague on this very important matter.

Please respond quickly.


2015 Superbowl Picks Chart

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