Wednesday, February 25, 2015

We might be migrating to a new Go Zone site!

Here is a heads up to league members. I have found a free blog which has much the same benefits as Blogger. Please follow the directions to fill out membership to the new blog. An email should be delivered to you to choose to join the blog hosted by WEBS.

I am asking that you all sign up using your GoZone nickname, although that is not necessary if for some reason you don't want to do that. I would ask that you submit a 25 to 50 word explanation as to why you refuse to do so, but that too is not obligatory.

The new site is heavily business oriented, so the opening page is a standard advertisement that can only be edited by the site owner. In this case, that is I. By clicking on the url for the blog, you can get to what will be our league information page. Currently, there is a pic of Chappie and week 4 results form last year. Note Ed is leading! Everyone should have the ability to post a message here, and I am asking that everyone do so.

Also, because of the "Ghost Rule" after last season's debacle, everyone, even Jo and Ed will have to participate in the blog. No more sons or husbands doing the heavy lifting. Don't blame the Commish, blame the Ghost, who most feel never made one real pic last year.

For shots of my new marina, go to the WEBS blog. Marc did and it was effortless, according to him. He does advise to actually read the questions before answering them though, so it might be a bit harder than he thinks.