Friday, February 27, 2015

Or, maybe we won't be migrating

A glitch has appeared at the free WEBS hosting service. They only allow one page for free sites. This means our pages Season Champions, Rules and Regulations, Season Records, Playoff Rules and Finances would have no place to call home. Also, and this may be important, the free WEBS site does not email members when anyone posts. This means that each member would have to check the site to get any posts made, including the embedded Picks Forms.

We can continue to try the migration and either,

  • Go without those pages, or
  • Go with the pages and pay a monthy fee of $5.99, or
  • Stay with the Blogger account.

Twelve months of the site would cost $72, and they need it paid annually, meaning right away. This would also buy tech support, which right now is restricted to paid sites. Currently there are 13 of us, so 72/13=$5.50 plus or minus. Add in the cost of the trophies, which have been running about $86, and that makes $158.00 or so. That  divided by 13 is about $12 a year.

So, it seems our choices are:

  1. Stay the course with the Blogger and lose the trophies and Wayne,
  2. Stay the course with the Blogger and pay $6.60 each to keep the trophies, but lose Wayne,
  3. Go with the free site but pay $6.60 each for the trophies, but lose the 5 pages,
  4. Go with the free site and lose the 5 pages and the trophies,
  5. Pay the $5.50 for the site to keep the pages and tech support and but lose the trophies, or
  6. Pay the $12.00 a year for the site, the pages, the support and the trophies.

Or maybe we should vote on staying or leaving the Blogger site first. Then vote on the money matters after that. Currently, 3 members, including myself, have joined the WEBs site. To vote now before people had a chance to look over the site seems hasty, so I am asking all members to respond to the invitation to join the Go Zone on the WEBS site so everyone can then make a judgment on it.

Asking members to pay money is a difficult thing to do, so it should be a thoughtful, purposeful decision.  If this is too much of a commitment, we should acknowledge that and simply remain as we have been on Blogger or go to the free site to keep Wayne.  I have bought the trophies in the past, but that is becoming a bit much, so maybe the trophies should be a separate topic in itself.