Saturday, February 28, 2015

Thoughts from the red-headed stepchild...

I have conversed with our, ahem..., esteeeemed commish, about remaining in the Go Zone.  Both the commish and his brat-of-the-family younger sickling have suggested:  "I should just stfu and send in my picks (and other literary observations) via email to the commish, who, (after taking editorial liberties,) will copy and paste them on the Go Zone."  And furthermore, I should be happy with this arrangement.

Well okay then.

In the interest of family harmony, I will once again take the high road and let these children have their way.  I can still remember Uncle Chappie patting my back and telling me, "with luck, both of them will grow into adults one day and show remorse for the way they've treated you."  Ah but, it seems the more people change the more they stay the same.

But...hope springs eternal.  Like Uncle Chappie, I will remain a pacifist and hope the weight of their misdeeds will one day cause such a burden as to drive them to seek forgiveness.
