Saturday, February 28, 2015

Others Options for the Go Zone

It appears this new site "fishes" for members by offering, free, a site that offers little to no service, then counters with a more satisfactory site for a fee.  The ol' bait and switch.   I suspect other issues will come to light after we are hooked and have paid the fee, in advance no less.  My vote is to shitcan this site.  Besides, if I'm going to pay someone, I'd rather it be Mike for buying the trophies, doing the work, and masquerading as an honest and competent commish.

The other problem here seems to be Wayne.  Up until this year, I have very much enjoyed the Go Zone.  I can't explain why the host site suddenly stopped accepting my login and keeping me from participating in the Zone this past season.  It's always been my suspicion it has something to do with our (cough, cough)...honest and competent commish.

Here is another suggestion:  Is it possible to simply create another new site through the same host (gmail, google, whatever it is), give it a different name (O'Gee zone or some other such silly name), and we could register anew with a different login and start out fresh?  Moving to a new host site would require all that anyway, so it's not as much work as it sounds.

Is this workable?
