Friday, December 23, 2011

An Undertone?

"The Defender", usually brutally clear in his denouncements of other members' motivations, perceived insults, and on-going "anti-Defender" conspiracies, is reduced to complaining about the "undertone" of the Commissioner's observations. An undertone? Really? While some have long noticed The Defenders sensitivity to criticism, they now see how deeply suspicious he truly is when statements of fact are attacked for the undertones of their context.

However, by-laws compel the Commissioner to note the Defender's complaints and an initate an investigation into the undertone of the posting. This might take a while, for no facts are being investigated, only perceived slights. The league office will be contacting a host of psychologists, literature majors and dog trainers to try to ferret out and explain the "undertone" of the post.

In the meantime, the Commissioner wants to thank members for the outpouring of e-mails, cards and telegrams supporting him in his endeavors and congratulating him on his fine week of picks.

And, as a small Christmas present, a photo from the past of the beautiful JoJo.

Happy Holidays to all,

The Commish