Monday, December 5, 2011

The Commissioner's Explanation

I currently stand at 8-7 for the week and I feel I owe the league an explanation.

Recently I have been on an strict organic, high protein macro-biotic diet that has resulted in some serious hallucinations. But, it has also had some bad effects. I have fouind myself disoriented, confused and off balance, especially when making my weekly GoZone football picks. I have spoken to my organic nutritionist and she assures me that these symtoms are casued by the natural cleansing of the poisons from my body and will pass in due time. When I asked her how long it would take, she said it depended on the amount of poisons in the body and how long they have been there. In my case, she reckons a year or two should do it.

So hand it there for a year or two, and I'll be ready to go!