Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Office

The Commish is getting slammed by various owners calling for his resignation. Appalling accusations out of Central Florida and more dribby-drab from Sibley Terrace. These are not hallucinations Commish. The answer is more Rob Roys on a daily basis. Still have not heard from owner Ed as to his questionable pick. Until then, the call on the field stands! This is why we have by-laws and buy-outs. It seems the quiet mountain in Central Florida has started to erupt in a vicious attack on our Commish. Looking at the standings, this may be a premeditated attempt to sidetrack the real issue here. Such disagreement over how the Commish presents the weekly matchups leads one to believe that maybe an amendment is needed to state that NO matchups will be presented in advance of the games. This will eliminate any owner from having to think about any pick. Ed has already adopted this tactic.

The Defender