Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Week 6 Audit

 Due to Big Red's medical experience of the past 2-plus weeks, I haven't been able to keep in touch and do my audit of the Commish's stats.

So - Week 6 is my first audit, and true to form our Commish has been his usual error-prone self.

First,  the Commish's record for Week 6 was 8-6, plus a point for Monday night, making his total 9 points for the week.  Add that to his previous total of 57 and his current total is 66, not the 68 points he tried to slide by me while I was occupied.

Heh, and he was a high school math teacher???

Second, the Commish had Sanford with a 7-7 record for Week 6 when he was actually 6-8 for the week, giving him a total of 62 points through 6 weeks, not 63 points as the Commish published.

Accurately yours,


VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Department
Chief of Investigations