Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Don't Omaha the Bed on Peg's Pick

 The usually reliable relic in Omaha has caught what he sees as an error. The fact is that Peg called me and informed me that she picked against the Pats. I checked the surveymonkey results and determined that she indeed did pick the 49ers. Omaha would not know this because I never have and I never will hold up all league business until he has been informed of all the details. I have done the same for many league members, including Omaha. As a matter of fact, I have checked on his picks by his request many times over the years. For a while there, every pick he lost he demanded I check to see if he indeed did make the losing pick. We took care of it then as we do now. 

The incident does however serve as a quality check on the self-styled auditor of the league. He caught the change as he should and reported out well. 

So, thanks to Omaha, we can all be rest assured that the GoZone is totally up to date and accurate.