Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Audit

Here's how my audit works:

Each week when the Commish posts the picks chart, I print a hard copy.  I add 5 lines at the bottom of the chart, just as our Commish does, to record the following:

1. W-L

2. Monday Night's game

3. Total points for the week (the total of 1 & 2

4. Previous total pts.

5. Total Points (the total of 3 & 4)

I record the outcome of each game, placing an "X" in squares where a player picked a loser, and leaving the square "clean" when the player picks the winner.

When completed, this chart looks identical to the Commish's chart he publishes on Tuesday.

Or does it?

Though it should, sometimes it doesn't.  So, which one of us has the correct updated chart? 
I review both charts to see if I have made a mistake, or did the Commish.

This involves going back and double checking if I recorded the results correctly, did the Commish record results correctly.  Sometimes the error jumps right out at you, sometimes not.

This past week we had two charts posted by the Commish, one showing Peg picked the Pats, and the second showing she picked the 49ers.  I, of course, had only the pre-games chart to work with.  It's not unheard of for someone to call the Commish and change their pick, but I had no way of knowing if that happened here.

So, I pointed out the discrepancy and asked the Commish for his response.

Then all hell broke lose.  The Commish said he never has and isn't about to notify me of changes that
might come up.  And then came his personal attacks.  These weren't the normal humorous personal attacks us cousins engage in constantly for the fun of it.  It was mean-spirited and well, bullshit.

But - so be it.

Former Auditor