Friday, October 30, 2020

I also Should Have Listened to Millie

 After Mike's post this afternoon, it appears we both had a similar experience last night.  I woke up a little after 3 AM, thinking of the spat between Mike and I, and how we could overcome it.

Yes, we both should have listened to my treasured Aunt Millie.  She had and showed so much love to us kids.  After my mom died when I was 8, Aunt Millie was always there for me and my pain-in-the-ass, umm.. sweet little sister.  Summer vacations at the camp on the lake have never been forgotten.

I am ashamed that I got so upset and turned something so insignificant into a major bruhaha.  Hell, even Deland could see this was no big deal, and he tried so hard to be the voice of reason.  No, that's not a misprint - I said Deland  -- the voice of reason!

And Kirk - he also could see through this crisis and made a subtle attempt to mediate the situation.  Thanks, Kirk.

So Commish, I apologize for my over-reaction and turning a nothing incident into a major dispute.  It was dumb on my part.

It wasn't all bad, though.  I see The Ghost made a rare appearance and pointed out to you some errors in your survey on this weekend's games.  His annual audit will be of great help to you.
