Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Touchy toddlers

 Now boys, I am sure this unfortunate incident can be rectified. First, there is more than a hint of preferential treatment toward one unnamed league member—Peg. However, with the usual sketchy picks details, there seems to be a window open as to picks legally being changed prior to the kneeling national anthem. With that said, no one really has a handle on the inner workings of Guido and the home office. Omaha, you need to give The Commish the benefit of the doubt which there is much of. In return, Commish, you need not scold Omaha for merely asking what the hell is going on. Omaha, the word bullshit is currently the status of Boston sports. Now both of you go back to your various committees, find your glasses, sit in the easy chair and re-take your blood pressure. Ok, things are normal and the league is fixed.



League Therapist