Saturday, October 31, 2020

Pipe Down Brat

 Know your place, No. 7.



Well I think you both should continue being a pain in the derriere .  First Deland is almost missing Omaha when we had a moment of peace (Sorry Big Red. Glad you’re feeling better by the way.) , then Omaha getting all sensitive about some posts that were in bad taste,  and then all these emotional apologies, which  Omaha actually for the first time in his life said he was wrong.  By the way Commish,  your version is called third child syndrome.   And then Omaha actually signing his with no title.  This league is getting mushy. 🤮

Friday, October 30, 2020

To Omaha

 Yes. Your salary will be doubled.


To Deland

 You misspelled "bullshit". The correct spelling is D-E-L-A-N-D.

The Commish

Changes to Week 8 Picks Chart

 Ed has determined that the week 8 picks chart is missing the steelers/ravens game and the chargers/broncos. I have been alerted to this by Wayne, and I have corrected the picks chart. Each member can either go on the survey monkey site (same picks link) and fill out those two games, or you can email or text your picks to me for those two games.

This problem occurred because the league has changed so many games that some news outlets haven't adjusted their data.

Thanks to Ed and Wayne for getting on this.

The Commish


 Cuz Wayne and Bro Mike,

   I am blessed to know that my mom meant so much to both of you. Yes, she was a rock and the voice of reason. She left an amazing impression on us all. 

   Now let’s cut the bullshit and get the Auditor back to work!




 Does this include a raise in salary?


Omaha's Request Is Rejected


The Senior Advisory Council met today and rejected Omaha's resignation as League Auditor. The vote was unanimous. He will continue in that capacity until next summer when the Council meets again at Uncanoonic. 

I also Should Have Listened to Millie

 After Mike's post this afternoon, it appears we both had a similar experience last night.  I woke up a little after 3 AM, thinking of the spat between Mike and I, and how we could overcome it.

Yes, we both should have listened to my treasured Aunt Millie.  She had and showed so much love to us kids.  After my mom died when I was 8, Aunt Millie was always there for me and my pain-in-the-ass, umm.. sweet little sister.  Summer vacations at the camp on the lake have never been forgotten.

I am ashamed that I got so upset and turned something so insignificant into a major bruhaha.  Hell, even Deland could see this was no big deal, and he tried so hard to be the voice of reason.  No, that's not a misprint - I said Deland  -- the voice of reason!

And Kirk - he also could see through this crisis and made a subtle attempt to mediate the situation.  Thanks, Kirk.

So Commish, I apologize for my over-reaction and turning a nothing incident into a major dispute.  It was dumb on my part.

It wasn't all bad, though.  I see The Ghost made a rare appearance and pointed out to you some errors in your survey on this weekend's games.  His annual audit will be of great help to you.


I Should Have Listened to Millie

As I gracefully age, I have come to the conclusion that my life would have been a lot better if I had listened to my mother, Millie. She was very concerned about the content of character and spent an inordinate amount of time pointing out lessons in how to build my character. I didn't think my character was that bad, and the reason I seemed to need intensive instruction was that my brothers Ed and Kevin. Ed was practically a saint, did very little if anything wrong and was the oldest. This was unfortunate for me. Kevin was, as far as I could tell, a mute. He didn't say or do much, and he was the baby. This too, was unfortunate for me.

Once Millie and I were talking, which we seldom did, and she pointed out a few character lessons to me. She told me that gentlemen never insult others unless they mean to. Another time she told me that people were at their worst when attempting to amuse themselves. Both lessons would have served me last week when I wrote about Peg's pick change. Ordinarily I would not have made much of it, but I saw the opportunity to tweak Wayne a bit, and I have amused myself by substituting his nickname, Omaha, into rude phrases. Thus, "don't Omaha this up" was born. Now, in my defense the written rules of the league says that as long as a member is referred to by his nickname, it is understood that the post is not meant as criticism as much as humorous commentary.  However Wayne's reaction indicates that I went way over a line and brought into question his performance as a freely volunteered auditor, something that has proven vital to the success of the league. 

Upon reading my post again, I cringe when seeing my dismissive and critical rhetoric. It is easy to see why his is upset with me, and I don't blame him for unvolunteering for the auditor position. But more to the point, I have never seen him so upset, ever. Wayne was always so much fun, so quick with a retort, so appreciative of humor and so willing to embrace it.  He was always in a good mood and he offered the promise that if you wanted, you too could be having fun. His enthusiasm was and is infectious. 

I wish I had never written the post, but I did and I can only offer my apologies to Wayne. If only I had listened to Millie.


Problem with W8 Survey Monkey

 The Week 8 Survey Monkey is missing two games-Steelers at Ravens and Chargers at Broncos and has one nonexistent game-Jaguars at Chargers.


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Week 8 Thursday NIght Picks


The Audit

Here's how my audit works:

Each week when the Commish posts the picks chart, I print a hard copy.  I add 5 lines at the bottom of the chart, just as our Commish does, to record the following:

1. W-L

2. Monday Night's game

3. Total points for the week (the total of 1 & 2

4. Previous total pts.

5. Total Points (the total of 3 & 4)

I record the outcome of each game, placing an "X" in squares where a player picked a loser, and leaving the square "clean" when the player picks the winner.

When completed, this chart looks identical to the Commish's chart he publishes on Tuesday.

Or does it?

Though it should, sometimes it doesn't.  So, which one of us has the correct updated chart? 
I review both charts to see if I have made a mistake, or did the Commish.

This involves going back and double checking if I recorded the results correctly, did the Commish record results correctly.  Sometimes the error jumps right out at you, sometimes not.

This past week we had two charts posted by the Commish, one showing Peg picked the Pats, and the second showing she picked the 49ers.  I, of course, had only the pre-games chart to work with.  It's not unheard of for someone to call the Commish and change their pick, but I had no way of knowing if that happened here.

So, I pointed out the discrepancy and asked the Commish for his response.

Then all hell broke lose.  The Commish said he never has and isn't about to notify me of changes that
might come up.  And then came his personal attacks.  These weren't the normal humorous personal attacks us cousins engage in constantly for the fun of it.  It was mean-spirited and well, bullshit.

But - so be it.

Former Auditor

Things that make you go. Huh

 A building inspector is called to a job by a contractor. Young smart ass inspector shows up on the job and gives the elder contract a bunch of crap. Elder says to inspector “I didn’t go to school with you”. Perplexed inspector says “what are you talking about”? Elder explained ~ it’s little dweebs like you that were picked on in school that decide to flex your muscles and give everyone a hard time.

Coach runs out to the umpire and berates the previous call. Coach goes back to the dug out and the assistant coach asks “why did you do that when you new the call was right. Coach replies “ the next time the referee makes a call ~ He will second guess himself. 


Is it just me or do you see a little of this going on?

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Touchy toddlers

 Now boys, I am sure this unfortunate incident can be rectified. First, there is more than a hint of preferential treatment toward one unnamed league member—Peg. However, with the usual sketchy picks details, there seems to be a window open as to picks legally being changed prior to the kneeling national anthem. With that said, no one really has a handle on the inner workings of Guido and the home office. Omaha, you need to give The Commish the benefit of the doubt which there is much of. In return, Commish, you need not scold Omaha for merely asking what the hell is going on. Omaha, the word bullshit is currently the status of Boston sports. Now both of you go back to your various committees, find your glasses, sit in the easy chair and re-take your blood pressure. Ok, things are normal and the league is fixed.



League Therapist 


 What a bullshit answer the Commish gave me to my legitimate question.  Even Trump can't tell that many lies in five sentences.


Don't Omaha the Bed on Peg's Pick

 The usually reliable relic in Omaha has caught what he sees as an error. The fact is that Peg called me and informed me that she picked against the Pats. I checked the surveymonkey results and determined that she indeed did pick the 49ers. Omaha would not know this because I never have and I never will hold up all league business until he has been informed of all the details. I have done the same for many league members, including Omaha. As a matter of fact, I have checked on his picks by his request many times over the years. For a while there, every pick he lost he demanded I check to see if he indeed did make the losing pick. We took care of it then as we do now. 

The incident does however serve as a quality check on the self-styled auditor of the league. He caught the change as he should and reported out well. 

So, thanks to Omaha, we can all be rest assured that the GoZone is totally up to date and accurate.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Week 7 Audit

Hmmmm, something is amiss with the results on the Commish's  Week 7 results.

Prior to the week's games being played, the Commish posted the picks of all the players.  He showed Peg picking the Pats over the 49ers, as did we all.

I can find no mention prior to the Pat's game that Peg changed her pick to the 49ers.

Yet, in his results post today, he shows Peg picking the 49ers over the Pats, giving her a 9-5 record for the week and a total of 62 points after 7 weeks.

My audit show Peg picked the Pats, thus had a record of  8-6 for the week, and a total of 61 points through 7 weeks.

What is your response to this, Commish?

Ever vigilant,


VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Dept.
Supervisor of Housekeeping
Chief of Investigations

Week 8 Picks Link

Week 7 Stats


Sunday, October 25, 2020

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Accurately Yours?


The Commish is not sure what Omaha is referring to when he concludes his post with "accurately yours." Especially when he Omahaed up the subject I taught for 30 years. I am sure it wasn't Math. As a matter of fact, my attitude of "close enough for government work" was never pleasing to my Math professors. Anyway, there is no Omahaing way I taught Math!!

Thursday Night Picks


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Week 6 Audit

 Due to Big Red's medical experience of the past 2-plus weeks, I haven't been able to keep in touch and do my audit of the Commish's stats.

So - Week 6 is my first audit, and true to form our Commish has been his usual error-prone self.

First,  the Commish's record for Week 6 was 8-6, plus a point for Monday night, making his total 9 points for the week.  Add that to his previous total of 57 and his current total is 66, not the 68 points he tried to slide by me while I was occupied.

Heh, and he was a high school math teacher???

Second, the Commish had Sanford with a 7-7 record for Week 6 when he was actually 6-8 for the week, giving him a total of 62 points through 6 weeks, not 63 points as the Commish published.

Accurately yours,


VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Department
Chief of Investigations

Week 7 Picks Chart Link

Week 6 Stats


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Deland has lost it

 Hey Deland, don’t get too carried away!!! 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


 No one has heard from The Ghost in ten years and as soon as he sends a note acting like he is the Quality Control expert, The Commish gets drippy, drooly and showers him with thanks! Not sure it was even him who sent it! Could have been the Dupe of the North posing as the hapless Ghost. Where is the transparency here? So many questions and so few answers. Maybe sad but I actually look forward to the return of Omaha and his myriad of titles! 



Week 4 and 5 Amended Stats


Thanks to the Ghost, the main office has recognized an error in the Week 4 picks chart. We have corrected the Week 4 Picks Chart and the week 4 and 5 Stats. Here is the result.

Week 6 Picks Link

Week 5 Stats


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Error in W4 Stats

 We haven't received Omaha's audit for week 4, and at this point likely won't, but I would like to point out that the Colts-Bears game was not evaluated resulting in those that picked the Bears incorrectly receiving one point for that game.


Sunday, October 11, 2020

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Monday, October 5, 2020

 Commish.....I thought I picked the bengals?


Sunday, October 4, 2020

Thursday, October 1, 2020