Monday, January 21, 2019


The Commish would like to thank all the league members who have congratulated his ascension into the leadership going into the superbowl. Son Marcus is flying down to witness the event with me, making it even more special.  The fact that Judy has not sent along a celebratory note makes the Commish feel like she has joined the dark side (eg: Omablah, Deland and The Ghost) who wishes the Commish ill and actively plots against him. The Commish noticed on an early attack from Deland and Omablah that Jude did not write in supporting him, tacitly supporting the Evil Three.

With Big Red leading, Omablah was concerned that someone (the Commish) might be able to see who she was picking for the SuperBowl (although we all know it won't be the Patriots) and was devising a scheme were all of the picks would be sent to a relative of his for safe-keeping until the Superbowl has begun.

As it currently stands, the Ghost, Big Red, Big Bird, Omablah and Sanford all could conceivably pick up 7 points of the 14 available in the Superbowl, but that is highly improbable. Those points tend to cancel themselves out. More probable is that the Ghost and Big Red could make up 2 or 3 points on the one point questions and still pick the same as the Commish on the Superbowl winner.

But the GoZone is set up to win the Chappie the winner must pick the SuperBowl winner. With that in mind, the best way to win it all is to pick the winner and hope the Commish does not.

But who will he pick? Although a huge Patriots fan, he picked the Eagles over the Pats last year. And the rest is legend!