Sunday, January 27, 2019

Clarification, please

Upon reviewing the playoff rules, a couple of clarifications are necessary.

During the playoffs each correct pick is worth 3 points, and if the winning pick is the underdog, an additional 2 points are awarded, for a total of 5 points for the winning pick.

In the Super Bowl rules it states:

"4.  The Super Bowl winning pick is worth 7 points, with 3 underdog points."

This can be interpreted two different ways.

It can mean the winning pick is worth 7 points, including 3 underdog points, which would then mean the winning pick, if not the underdog, would be worth 4 points. Nowhere in the playoff or super bowl rules does it mention 4 points for a correct win.

Or, it could mean that that the winning pick is worth 7 points, plus a possible 3 underdog points, for a potential 10 points for correctly picking an underdog win.

I'm not trying to confuse things, but I'm making valid points that need clarification.


Rule 5 (d) states:  "Most penalty yards as a team."

Does this mean most penalty yards committed by a team, or most penalty yards received by a team?

I'm guessing it means most penalties committed by a team.

These two items need clarification because I can visualize Deland arguing endlessly for the interpretation that would most benefit him.  Of course, since he's so far out of the race it really wouldn't matter, heh.

Sigh, being VP Quality Control is becoming a burden...


VP Quality Control
Supervisor of Housekeeping
CEO Auditing Department
Chief of Investigations
Director human Resources
Senior Visible Member - SAC