Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Further Clarification

1. No one but Omablah and the people he has confounded is confused by the playoff rules.

2. The same rules have been in place since the inception of the league and no one has died.

3. The rules were written and are changed by the Senior Advisory Council, an ad hoc committee of productive league members.

4. Omablah is an idiot.

Guido for the Commish

Monday, January 28, 2019

What a nightmare

Wow, could you possibly make this any more confusing, Commish?

Why would I go into the survey site without knowing the rules for the Super Bowl?  You have a tab on the home page for various rules, playoff rules, Super Bowl rules, yada yada.

But when I went for review to prepare to make my picks,  I found some confusing (putting it mildly) rules that needed clarification.

So now, apparently, one can get 10 points in the Super Bowl for picking an underdog winner.  Will it be worth more if I wait until Sunday morning to make my picks?

Now you can blast me and call me childish names, but if you look at the rules there was no clear-cut provision for anyone to gain 10 points by picking the winner, favorite or underdog. 

In fact, the wording said picking the winner was worth 7 points, with bonus points.  The implication was that the 7 points included bonus points. 

With all these vague rules with fifth grade wording, it's a wonder even the Commish himself understands his own feeble attempt at writing them.  In fact, it's quite apparent he doesn't.

No more clarifications, please.


Keeper of the Insane Asylum

Read the Picks Chart

If Omablah would read the picks chart he would know, as does everyone else, that the winner of the Super Bowl pick gets 7 points and 3 more if it is an underdog.

Jeez Loueez, what more can you possibly misconstrue?

Read my lips, Commish - I will speak verrrry slowly...

Our smartass Commish listed every category of points, not just the two I questioned.
One I questioned was penalty yards points.

Your playoff rules reads:

5 (d) "Most penalty yards as a team."

It does not say most penalty yards committed, as you claim in your "clarification." 

Thus, my clarification request was necessary.

You didn't even address my request about the worth of  a winning Super Bowl pick.

From your wording in the playoff rules, it appears to be 7 points, which I guess would include 3 underdog points.

If this is the case, a better wording would have been something like:

"A winning Super Bowl pick is worth 4 points.  Correctly picking the underdog to win is worth 3 bonus points.

Suggestion:  Don't ever write an instruction manual...


Overworked Senior Visible Member - Advisory Council

Clarification for Omablah

Despite 8 years of successfully navigating the Super Bowl picks procedure, Omablah still is twisted into confusion by the English language. In an attempt to placate him, I will try to make the picks procedure clearer.

1. Rams or Patriots. While this seems clear to all most of us, what this means is do you think the Rams or the Pats will win?

2. "Most Rushing Yards" I can see how this would confuse Omablah because he is an idiot. In his fevered brain, he stumbles on "Most rushing years for a team or against a team." One can see how the perpetual conspiracy theorist would see this a a trap. It means, "The team with the most rushing yards for them."

3. "Most Passing Yards." Ditto. The team with the most passing yards for them not against them.

4. "Most Completions." This means the team with the most passing completions, not as Omablah reasons to mean the most passing completions against them.

5. "Most Penalty Yards Committed." This means the team with the most penalty yards assessed against them, not for them. Penalty yards for a team isn't even a statistic.

6. "Most Sacks by the Defense." This means which team will have the most sacks attributed to their defense, not which team gave up the most sacks.

7."Most Rushing TD's.'  This question was very poorly stated. I can see how Omablah would confuse this into thinking it meant most rushing tds against a team. Wait, no I can't!

8. "Most Passing TD's." Perhaps this is overly technical for Omablah. I should have explained to him what a TD is. But whatever it is, it is obvious that it means the team who had the most TD's in the game.

The entire league is holding its collective breath waiting to see if Omablah will stumble through the picking procedure without seriously hurting himself. Wait, that should be #9. "Will Omablah hurt himself making his picks!

Clarification, please

I ain't pickin' 'till I get clarification.


Super Bowl Picks Chart Link

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Her we go again

it must be Super Bowl time as the same questions are coming out of Omaha that have been answered prior to the last 15 Super Biwls. It must be that he has a built-in delete button somewhere in that vast open area of the memory. Commish, just copy and send yet another “clarification “. I wonder if he knows where the snowblower is after each storm! Delete! To add to the frenzy, by the time he gets done jotting down his various self-appointed titles, he can’t possibly remember what the first one  was! This may be related to his annual slide from the top of the point list. League trophies tend to slip right through his hands similar to Don Buddin playing shortstop for the Red Sox!

Best to all,

Clarification, please

Upon reviewing the playoff rules, a couple of clarifications are necessary.

During the playoffs each correct pick is worth 3 points, and if the winning pick is the underdog, an additional 2 points are awarded, for a total of 5 points for the winning pick.

In the Super Bowl rules it states:

"4.  The Super Bowl winning pick is worth 7 points, with 3 underdog points."

This can be interpreted two different ways.

It can mean the winning pick is worth 7 points, including 3 underdog points, which would then mean the winning pick, if not the underdog, would be worth 4 points. Nowhere in the playoff or super bowl rules does it mention 4 points for a correct win.

Or, it could mean that that the winning pick is worth 7 points, plus a possible 3 underdog points, for a potential 10 points for correctly picking an underdog win.

I'm not trying to confuse things, but I'm making valid points that need clarification.


Rule 5 (d) states:  "Most penalty yards as a team."

Does this mean most penalty yards committed by a team, or most penalty yards received by a team?

I'm guessing it means most penalties committed by a team.

These two items need clarification because I can visualize Deland arguing endlessly for the interpretation that would most benefit him.  Of course, since he's so far out of the race it really wouldn't matter, heh.

Sigh, being VP Quality Control is becoming a burden...


VP Quality Control
Supervisor of Housekeeping
CEO Auditing Department
Chief of Investigations
Director human Resources
Senior Visible Member - SAC

Monday, January 21, 2019


I love you commish but in all fairness to Omablah, he did find a lot of errors in the mathematics.


The Commish would like to thank all the league members who have congratulated his ascension into the leadership going into the superbowl. Son Marcus is flying down to witness the event with me, making it even more special.  The fact that Judy has not sent along a celebratory note makes the Commish feel like she has joined the dark side (eg: Omablah, Deland and The Ghost) who wishes the Commish ill and actively plots against him. The Commish noticed on an early attack from Deland and Omablah that Jude did not write in supporting him, tacitly supporting the Evil Three.

With Big Red leading, Omablah was concerned that someone (the Commish) might be able to see who she was picking for the SuperBowl (although we all know it won't be the Patriots) and was devising a scheme were all of the picks would be sent to a relative of his for safe-keeping until the Superbowl has begun.

As it currently stands, the Ghost, Big Red, Big Bird, Omablah and Sanford all could conceivably pick up 7 points of the 14 available in the Superbowl, but that is highly improbable. Those points tend to cancel themselves out. More probable is that the Ghost and Big Red could make up 2 or 3 points on the one point questions and still pick the same as the Commish on the Superbowl winner.

But the GoZone is set up to win the Chappie the winner must pick the SuperBowl winner. With that in mind, the best way to win it all is to pick the winner and hope the Commish does not.

But who will he pick? Although a huge Patriots fan, he picked the Eagles over the Pats last year. And the rest is legend!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Conference Championship Stats

Everyone's worst fear

It happened, folks.  Our worst fear has come true.  The Commish is leading the pack going into the Superbowl.

This is unofficial pending the Commish's official figures, but...

1.  Mike           208
2.  Ghost          207
3.  Big Red      205
4.  Nick            204
5.  Omaha        202
5.  Sean            202


Rex is still the man

Rex Burkhead - Nebraska's gift to the Patriots!

Conference Championship Weekend Picks

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Well now, just call us all Stupid

So the Commish alleges he has already made his picks for this week and has printed up some form/chart/gibberish to prove it.

He also has accused Omaha of calling him a cheat, and acts insulted anyone could do such a thing.

Heh, so funny.

At first I felt bad he would think I was questioning his honesty, integrity & sense of fair play.

But then I started to recall our recent conversation that apparently sparked this vicious outburst from our "esteemed" Commish.

I pointed out to him that we had a very competitive battle for this year's cherished Chappie Award.  I made it a special point to mention his unquestionable honesty, integrity & sense of fair play, and that surely everyone, even Deland who questions everyone's character, would concede our Commish has these required qualities.

But what if I'm wrong?  What if our Commish wins the Chappie again this year?  Would some disgruntled losers point out the fact that the Commish gets to see everyone else's picks prior to making his own. 

I, for one, would feel terrible if our Commish's Chappie Award was tainted by even the silliest accusation that the winner had an unfair advantage.

So, to demonstrate his "honesty, integrity & sense of fair play," I suggested he recuse himself from his Commissioner's duties and have everyone send their picks to another player of high character and morals during the final, Super Bowl, week.  I even nominated Kirk to assume this temporary duty on Super Bowl week since he has all the necessary character qualities and because he, for all practical purposes out of the running.

Our esteemed Commish said he thought this was a great idea.  But, true to form, he changed his mind by the next morning and tweeted posted otherwise.

So our Commish has posted something that supposedly verifies he has already made his (invisible to us) picks.  This is meaningless.  When he posts the chart showing all of our picks, who's to say his published picks are the same as the unpublished ones supposedly verified by this generic (& blank) form above?

We are all insulted you thought you could get away with this scam.


Senior Visible Member, SAC
Chief of Investigations

The Commish Has Picked!

In as much as Omablah has all but accused the Commish of cheating, wanting to cheat and/or collusion with Russia, the Commish makes the unprecedented action of publishing proof of his having made his picks so that everyone who is concerned that he would base his picks on Big Red's (Omablah) will feel safe and secure.

You are welcome.

Conference Championship Picks Link

Monday, January 14, 2019

Fantastic job, Commish!

A new first!

For the second week in a row, my audit verifies the Commish's statistics!


CEO, Auditing Department

Division Playoff Stats

Last Place Goes To...

DELAND! HIs less than stellar 1-3 week and 3 points out of 4 games leaves Deland in the basement mixing up the medicine. The rest of us are on the pavement thinking about the government.

Saturday, January 12, 2019


Yes !!! Holding steady at last place !!!💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 🏈🏈🏈

Division Championship Picks


Con't know what happened, but it must be on your end. My phone is working perfectly.

My suggestion is have Big Red dial the phone for you.

The Commish

Friday, January 11, 2019

What's with this?

I tried to call our esteemed Commish to congratulate him on his first round playoff success, but couldn't get through security.


Thursday, January 10, 2019


Congrats are in order to Jo for her heroic 15 point week. Utilizing the Underdog Strategy, she has a 3-1, 15 point week, giving her a big leap in the standings.

The Commish also employed that strategy and gained 15 points in the process. He thanks members for their texts, e-mails and calls celebrating his good fortune. As usual, the Commish pronounced himself humbled by the adulation and promised to work even harder for the good of the league, for each and every member, and for the American Way.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Week 17 Audit

You'll never believe this -- the Commish actually passed this weeks audit!


CEO Auditing Department

Division Championship Weekend Picks Chart Link

WildCard Weekend Stats

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Wildcard Weekend Picks

Bib Red AKA Frick

Congratulations Sis, you stayed strong all season and most importantly you beat Omahahahaha,

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Wildcard Weekend Picks Chart Link

Congrats Big Red

Nice job Big Red! Good year snagging The Millie. No one ever remembers who the bridesmaid was! Congrats and Happy New Year!
Deland/The Boss