Saturday, October 20, 2018

One lies and the other swears to it

I hardly know where to begin, but I'll start by pointing out words from our Commish as evidence he doesn't know what he's talking about.

1.  Commish:  "In an text to the league office, Deland insists...Omaha changed my pick which doing his weekly audit."

Which one is drunk here, Deland or the Commish? 

2.  "Guido Gonzalez has opened an investigation into the affair.  He reports that a cursory look at Omaha's background reveals his deep involvement in a major railroads (no ' so must be plural, how many major railroads, Commish?)  computer information system.  Omaha admits to creating the entire system and running it in its infancy."

This is really hilarious.  Guido couldn't investigate whether he's wearing shoes or not.

Omaha created and ran an entire computer information system???  I wish, I would have had a much higher salary.

This, of course, is a figment of the Commish's imagination.  My grandkids had to show me how to navigate my I-Phone. 

3.  I have added exposure to the Survey Monkey site?  My exposure is identical to every other GO Zone member.  Omaha has the requisite computer skills to destabilize the league site?  Heh, I only wish I had the skills to stabilize our Commish and his alter-ego.  Even Dr. Phil couldn't pull off that miracle. 

4.  I called the Comish  on Thursday to report I made an error in Jude the Prude's Week 6 audit.  The Commish's comment concerning Nashua's picks in Week 6 (involving the Steelers - incorrectly - in his rambling) is too confusing and time-consuming to address now.  I am seriously concerned about the Commish's mental state.
