Monday, October 1, 2018

Omaha Insisting on Dues Change

In one of his more disorienting calls, Omaha has informed the league office that he is demanding a change in the way the Commish collects the dues. In many phone calls, the Commish has tried to explain to Omaha that the dies paid in the summer are for the previous year. The trophies are awarded each summer and that is when the dues are collected to pay for them, from the previous year.

This year, the problem was increased when the Commish waited until September before calling for the dues for last year. The reason was that the trophies have not been ordered yet and money was not needed. The trophies in the pictures of the Awards Ceremony were Ed's, and brought them so some trophies could be shown by the Commish. The Commish now sees that pushing back the call for dies overly challenged some of the weaker minds in the league and has caused severe and bitter reactions.

Despite long and painful explanations by the Commish, Omaha continues to think that the dues paid are for the upcoming season. As few members ever bother to paid their dues, the distinction seemed all but mute until recently. This year, Marc and Luke have paid for this season and the seven past seasons. The Commish was floored when both his sons offered the back payments as support for the league and respect for the Commish, especially considering the ignominy of their previous positions.

Also current with their dies are Lindsay, Amy, Ryan, Nick,  Peg, Mike and Judy.

So, the upshot of all this is that the Commish will be calling for the 2018 dues shortly, certainly before Jan 1, 2019. Any call at that point will completely befuddle Omaha and send hm into paralaxisms of anguish and madness.

The Commish