Friday, October 5, 2018

Go-Zone Baggage

As much as some owners attempt to keep the league above the swill that abounds around the league office, the same rhetoric comes out of Omaha day after day. I have been told he has  disc full of complaints that he plays to himself daily as some sort of twisted therapy. Again, staying above all that , we are stuck with Guido for at least five more years and a calculator-less Commish indefinitely. Yes, the hard question is do we let the Commish continue to delegate the workload? First indication is a hearty no as there seems to be a frequency problem between the office and Nebraska. It must be that Nebraska has not accepted “full internet access” yet. Further investigation has found that Omaha’s salary is four times greater than the minimum wage in that state. Please no more talk of money as it will only propel the Commish to ask for the 2020-21 season dues in advance!

Staying above the shit(SATS)
Best to all