Thursday, October 18, 2018

Audit of the Audit

If one is to be the self-appointed voice of accuracy in the Go-Zone blog, it would be helpful if one were accurate. Unfortunately, Omahahahahahahaha seems to have miscounted sister Jude's score.

I told Guido to do a full investigation and he came back with disturbing news. Apparently our auditor is making misleading and erroneous statements about his own sister's record, in her favor!

Guido went back to her picks on the monkey, verified that they were accurate, and then recounted her picks. She picked the Giants, the Bucs, the Bengals, the Browns, the Raiders,  the Panthers, the Jags, and the Titans. Those were all losers last week and their are 8 of them. There were 15 games last week, so her record for the week was 7-8, as I depicted on the stats chart. I also gave her  a point for picking the Packers on Monday night, for a total of 8 points for the week.

We appreciate Omahahahaha's auditing, but only when it is accurate. The two minutes it took me to straighten out this mess could have been better spent.