Saturday, October 20, 2018

Deland Accuses Omaha of Treason

In an text to the league office, Deland insists that he and the Boss picked the Broncos over the Cardinals, but that someone changed their picks. Specifically, Deland suggests that "Omaha changed my pick which doing his weekly audit."

The league office takes these kinds of accusations very seriously. The integrity of the choosing of picks is key to the faith league members have in the GoZone.

Guido Gonzales has opened an investigation into the affair. He reports that a cursory look at Omaha's background reveals his deep involvement in a major railroads computer information system. Omaha admits to creating the entire system and running it in its infancy.

With the added exposure Omaha has to the Survey Monkey site, Guido suggests that Omaha may have the requisite computer skills to achieve his goal of destabilizing the league site. He notes Omaha's attempts to infiltrate the Blogger site of the GoZone last year with nefarious intent.

The league office perhaps naively encouraged Omaha's role of points auditor, hoping that such a position would strengthen league members faith in the GoZone. But his first two "corrections"— first giving his sister Jude the Prude extra points and secondly, questioning the veracity of Nashua's point change from last week which would have benefited his beloved Big Red— lead one to believe that perhaps he has a conflict of interests himself.

Guido will continue his investigation, but he warns that this may be above his level of computer expertise, and we may need to bring in a forensic computer expert which would cause a raise in dues this year.

We will keep the league members informed about the investigation.