Saturday, February 3, 2018

Well Now

To All League Owners:
  As much as I have coaxed, bribed, threatened, harassed, and charmed the defending champ to divulge her Super picks, she has maintained a stoic nature similar only to Millie with absolutely no signs of giving anything away. So I have little to nothing to go on as the eve of the Big One approaches. It has been almost as painful as making the wrong move when playing cards as Millie's partner! The look, the glare, the slight negative turn of the neck are too much to bear! Not even a twitch!
   History does show she has NEVER picked against the Pats as a few of our sultry and less productive owners have done recently. This may come down to the infamous additional 7 points added by Guido a few years back for no apparent reason other than to confuse Omaha as to who did what to who with turnovers! Well done Guido!
  To each of you in the mix just remember a couple subtle facts about this game. Foles v Brady and Brady v Foles. Eagles soar but Patriots have their muskets ready.
  This is no time for IT glitches but if so, Guido will probably not answer. Please refer all GO-Zone questions and concerns to Omaha. He always responds with some vague nonsense! His number is collect at 1-800-I DON'T KNOW. Please call often.

Best to all