Sunday, February 11, 2018


  More gobbledy-gook coming from Omaha and Ft Myers. Unfortunately for league owners it does not matter anymore that you are a league owner. Apparently the amount of "shifty" points accrued in the last week by both Patriot-haters has made them feel more important somehow. The league needs to rectify the situation in part by blocking Omaha's emails as it already has done with his senseless phone calls. Now the Commish, by the way feeling giddy about the tainted win, has expanded his ego to the size of Montana! Good sense and logical rationale have eluded both  owners of late. The fear is that the league is subjecting itself to the unilateral and tyrannical rule of one Commish as I recently witnessed upon a surprise visit to the league office. Guido was literally on a leash with the Commish calling him Gracie and exhibiting canine commands! This is cause for a full investigation of office procedure to be wrapped up prior to the summer meeting. If deemed to be true, the bylaws clearly state that such mistreatment will carry a minus 10 point total into the next season.
  While Omaha is now hallucinating about baseball, it appears one league owner by the name of Brandy has fallen mightily. With three weeks left to play she was cornered by a local reporter who queried about her status. "I quit" was the only audible sound. The meaning of that will be reviewed over the summer. The King of the North has been quite subdued in part at least because of his point total. He was smacking "dynasty" a few short years ago. He got stuck on the"dy" part. Of course the ghost has been a ghost. Isn't that what ghosts do? Ryan ended well with shifty points as well. Does anyone ever remember who the bridesmaid was? Kirk gets Mist Improved award. More points this year than the three previous years combined! Nick will be of to school next year and may need to adopt the "I quit" California-based theory when he can't get picks in on time. Luke and Lindsay probably cheated.

Best to all for a great summer. See you at the meeting.