Thursday, February 8, 2018

Pats hater, and other conspiracy theories

Our great leader, the Commish, has tasked me with explaining to the league members the correct use of the Pats Hater epithet. He is concerned that people who should know better are hurling this term around willy nilly, without rhyme or apparently reason as well.

The term was first used by the Commish to chastise a league member who picked against the Pats during the regular season. He used this term to call that league member's attention to the fact that the Pats are regularly 13-3 each season, meaning that to pick them each week would engender a plus ten points. The purpose of picking winners is to generate points, with the ultimate goal of winning the Millie and the Chappie. To pick against the Pats then was illogical except if the member simply hated the Patriots, thus the Pats Hater.

Once the playoffs start however, picking against the Pats is acceptable because each game could be the last. And in the superbowl, it is by definition the last game of the season. The Commish has never  accused a league member of being a Pats Hater for picking against them in the playoffs.

The Commish feels he last thing Chappie would want is for members to follow a blind obedience to a blundering oracle by making a superbowl pick which cost them winning the Chappie. Picking the Pats surely would have cost the Commish the Chappie.

There are those who would denigrate the Commish and seek to lessen his accomplishments. Witness the witless Omaha who accuses everyone ahead of him in points of cheating. And Deland who wants an asterick placed on the championship trophy based uon a fictitious "League Charter" and has designated an unauthorized investigation into whether the Commish committed the offense of betting against the Pats even though that offense does not exist.

The Commish is very happy to have won the Chappie and will accept it with pride.