Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Thank You!

I would like to thank all the wonderful league members who have called and texted to express their congratulations and admiration for my special year on the Go Zone Football League.

I am truly humbled by their kind comments. One even said I was the greatest championed in the history of the league. Another, near tears, thanked me for holding on to the lead through all the lies and wild accusations hurled at me by Omaha some members. another marveled at my solid picks and keen understanding of football amd human nature and my wide knowledge of each team and their personnel. 

I am truly blessed by all the fine members of the league who are loyal to me and the work I am doing for the betterment of the league. Some even noted that my winning of the Chappie occurred on my birthday.

However, some league members remain quiet, refusing to join in the ovation for my good luck. For them to be so disloyal, petty and treasonous at such an otherwise festive occasion is shameful. Sad.