Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Immediate Attention

  Again, congrats to the Commish on the sweep this year. However, there will be a double asterisk in the league records which means Guido may get involved. I understand that Guido's tentative position within the league office could come in to play earlier than later.
  I am calling for an immediate league investigation of tactics unbecoming and most likely illegal under the league charter. It strictly forbids any and all league owners from becoming a "Patriot-hater" by not choosing the beloved home team on any given week. To seal the deal by choosing against the Pats is cause to never show face again. This has been adhered to in the case of Omaha. In case you missed it, he too conspired to choose the other team. That in itself will lead to a side investigation. Diane, the blueberry lover, has been directed to lead the investigation with the able assistance of  Big Red, Jude the Prude, and The Boss. There is no conflict of interest with any member on the committee because it is all-female and each has a similar distaste for recent actions of the dysfunctional league office. This directive supersedes any unllilateral decision of the Commish as stated in Article 9 Section 11 also known as dial 911.
  On another note, plans are under way for the summer league meeting to be hopefully held at the "Unc" later this summer. Please be aware that the Commish is already planning to order the biggest trophies to date as he will be the recipient of such. That will be grounds to initiate yet another investigation with "The Ghost" slated to spearhead the inquiry which means we will never hear anything more about it.
  With that all said, a happy birthday as well to the Commish on the same day as his tainted victory!

Best to all,