Monday, February 19, 2018

5 year deal

It's a 5-year deal for 110 mils, and Martinez can opt out after two years.


Martinez coming to Boston

"Over The Monster" is reporting free agent target J.D. Martinez and the Sox have agreed to terms and he will be playing in Boston.  No details on terms of the agreement available yet.


Sunday, February 11, 2018


  More gobbledy-gook coming from Omaha and Ft Myers. Unfortunately for league owners it does not matter anymore that you are a league owner. Apparently the amount of "shifty" points accrued in the last week by both Patriot-haters has made them feel more important somehow. The league needs to rectify the situation in part by blocking Omaha's emails as it already has done with his senseless phone calls. Now the Commish, by the way feeling giddy about the tainted win, has expanded his ego to the size of Montana! Good sense and logical rationale have eluded both  owners of late. The fear is that the league is subjecting itself to the unilateral and tyrannical rule of one Commish as I recently witnessed upon a surprise visit to the league office. Guido was literally on a leash with the Commish calling him Gracie and exhibiting canine commands! This is cause for a full investigation of office procedure to be wrapped up prior to the summer meeting. If deemed to be true, the bylaws clearly state that such mistreatment will carry a minus 10 point total into the next season.
  While Omaha is now hallucinating about baseball, it appears one league owner by the name of Brandy has fallen mightily. With three weeks left to play she was cornered by a local reporter who queried about her status. "I quit" was the only audible sound. The meaning of that will be reviewed over the summer. The King of the North has been quite subdued in part at least because of his point total. He was smacking "dynasty" a few short years ago. He got stuck on the"dy" part. Of course the ghost has been a ghost. Isn't that what ghosts do? Ryan ended well with shifty points as well. Does anyone ever remember who the bridesmaid was? Kirk gets Mist Improved award. More points this year than the three previous years combined! Nick will be of to school next year and may need to adopt the "I quit" California-based theory when he can't get picks in on time. Luke and Lindsay probably cheated.

Best to all for a great summer. See you at the meeting.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Congrats to all the players

Just some thoughts as we wrap up another fun-filled season.

Congrats to the Commish and Guido for out-maneuvering the rest of the field.  I just wish I had started my audits on week #1.

Great job by our Silver Medalist, Ryan. You deserved better...

Joanne - it is an honor and my distinct pleasure to share third place with you!  You gave a great and classy effort in your attempt to repeat.

Now, the Truck is in Ft. Myers, so baseball is just around the corner!

Commish - If you want to bet on baseball games, just let me know and I'll send my picks to you.


Pats hater, and other conspiracy theories

Our great leader, the Commish, has tasked me with explaining to the league members the correct use of the Pats Hater epithet. He is concerned that people who should know better are hurling this term around willy nilly, without rhyme or apparently reason as well.

The term was first used by the Commish to chastise a league member who picked against the Pats during the regular season. He used this term to call that league member's attention to the fact that the Pats are regularly 13-3 each season, meaning that to pick them each week would engender a plus ten points. The purpose of picking winners is to generate points, with the ultimate goal of winning the Millie and the Chappie. To pick against the Pats then was illogical except if the member simply hated the Patriots, thus the Pats Hater.

Once the playoffs start however, picking against the Pats is acceptable because each game could be the last. And in the superbowl, it is by definition the last game of the season. The Commish has never  accused a league member of being a Pats Hater for picking against them in the playoffs.

The Commish feels he last thing Chappie would want is for members to follow a blind obedience to a blundering oracle by making a superbowl pick which cost them winning the Chappie. Picking the Pats surely would have cost the Commish the Chappie.

There are those who would denigrate the Commish and seek to lessen his accomplishments. Witness the witless Omaha who accuses everyone ahead of him in points of cheating. And Deland who wants an asterick placed on the championship trophy based uon a fictitious "League Charter" and has designated an unauthorized investigation into whether the Commish committed the offense of betting against the Pats even though that offense does not exist.

The Commish is very happy to have won the Chappie and will accept it with pride.


 Congratulations Commish on your big win! thank you for all your hard work and diligence in keeping this fun league together!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Too Funny

"AKA call 911"   :)

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Immediate Attention

  Again, congrats to the Commish on the sweep this year. However, there will be a double asterisk in the league records which means Guido may get involved. I understand that Guido's tentative position within the league office could come in to play earlier than later.
  I am calling for an immediate league investigation of tactics unbecoming and most likely illegal under the league charter. It strictly forbids any and all league owners from becoming a "Patriot-hater" by not choosing the beloved home team on any given week. To seal the deal by choosing against the Pats is cause to never show face again. This has been adhered to in the case of Omaha. In case you missed it, he too conspired to choose the other team. That in itself will lead to a side investigation. Diane, the blueberry lover, has been directed to lead the investigation with the able assistance of  Big Red, Jude the Prude, and The Boss. There is no conflict of interest with any member on the committee because it is all-female and each has a similar distaste for recent actions of the dysfunctional league office. This directive supersedes any unllilateral decision of the Commish as stated in Article 9 Section 11 also known as dial 911.
  On another note, plans are under way for the summer league meeting to be hopefully held at the "Unc" later this summer. Please be aware that the Commish is already planning to order the biggest trophies to date as he will be the recipient of such. That will be grounds to initiate yet another investigation with "The Ghost" slated to spearhead the inquiry which means we will never hear anything more about it.
  With that all said, a happy birthday as well to the Commish on the same day as his tainted victory!

Best to all,

Congrats to Commish

Congrats to our awesome Commish on your “sweep” of the Chappie & Millie!  A feat accomplished by me - a super achievement 🏈 However, I am disappointed you had to pick against my beloved Patriots to secure The Millie.  This is something I NEVER will do. I was standing at the TV till the last second ticked off the clock believing with all my heart that Brady & Company would pull off yet another Super Bowl win. Alas, not this time.
Looking forward to our summer Awards Ceremony at Ucanoonic and my passing the “sweep” awards to a new and deserving winner albeit a Patriot hater in the end. Long live the Patriots’ dynasty. 🏈 The Boss

Thank You!

I would like to thank all the wonderful league members who have called and texted to express their congratulations and admiration for my special year on the Go Zone Football League.

I am truly humbled by their kind comments. One even said I was the greatest championed in the history of the league. Another, near tears, thanked me for holding on to the lead through all the lies and wild accusations hurled at me by Omaha some members. another marveled at my solid picks and keen understanding of football amd human nature and my wide knowledge of each team and their personnel. 

I am truly blessed by all the fine members of the league who are loyal to me and the work I am doing for the betterment of the league. Some even noted that my winning of the Chappie occurred on my birthday.

However, some league members remain quiet, refusing to join in the ovation for my good luck. For them to be so disloyal, petty and treasonous at such an otherwise festive occasion is shameful. Sad.

Monday, February 5, 2018

The Commish Rides the Underdog to Victory

The Commish earned a well deserved Chappie with a rousing superbowl win yesterday. He was confused, however, by Jo's pick of the favorite Patriots because she had overtaken the Commish based upon her betting on the underdogs throughout the playoffs.

"I was stunned that she risked serious breach of Karma by taking the Pats," the Commish said. ""it has been an underdog playoffs and to abandon them at the last minute after they had been so good for her I thought callous at best. But the exquisite irony of her losing the Chappie by the underdog winning is truly a hoot."

Live by the underdog, die by the underdog, it would seem.

Omaha did the league a service by publishing his unofficial, but very accurate results. It is initiative like this that almost makes me forget what a scurrilous scoundrel he is. Perhaps he should take over the stats next season for a while to make sure someone knows how to do it. I will mention this to the Commish.

Omaha couldn't do a good deed, however, without once again attacking the Commish, throwing baseless aspersions on his picks. He intimated that the Commish copied his picks for the superbowl just as he has intimated the Commish has copied others picks throughout the season.  It seems, according to Omaha, that the Commish copies different people's picks every week. T

his ignores that fact that every week people have identical picks just by chance. It also ignores the fact that on the Conference Finals weekend, he could have stayed ahead of Jo by copying her picks. He didn't because he makes his picks based upon who he thinks will win the game, not how others are picking.

Perhaps Omaha would use the position to copy others, seeing as he seems obsessed with the idea that the Commish is doing just that. Burglars fear people stealing from them the most, and all that. Just by definition, the Commish didn't lead the league in weekly wins by copying other people's picks. He couldn't accumulate more points than anyone else so often by copying other's picks.

By the way, the Commish set a record for total points in a season. His 223 edged out Jo's 221 from last season. Check out the league records page on the tab at the top of the blog to see who holds the other records.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

My Source

I forgot to mention - my source for statistics I used in compiling my unofficial order of finish was the ESPN website.

Most rushing yards - Eagles 164, Pats 113

Most Passing Yards - Pats 500, Eagles 374.

Most Completions - Eagles 29, Pats 28.  Interestingly, both QBs had 28 completions, but the Eagles had a 29th completion - a TD from a Receiver to their QB.

The Eagles ran away with penalty yards, 6-35 to 1-5.

There was only one sack, the game winner by the Eagles on Brady.

Both teams had one rushing TD.

Most Passing TDs - Eagles 4, Pats 3.


My unofficial totals

Here we go - my unofficial (very unofficial) totals:

                            Going in       Today's Pts           Final Total

1      Mike               209               14                         223
2      Ryan               203               13                         216
3    T-Jo                  211               3                           214
      T-Wayne          200               14                         214
5    T-Kirk              209               3                           212
      T-Marc             208               4                           212
7    T-Luke              207               4                          211
      T-Patrick          198               13                         211
9    T-Ed                 205               3                           208
      T-Lindsay         204              4                            208
11     Kevin             203              2                            205
12     Karen             201              3                            204
13     Nick               199              3                            202
14     Amy               193              4                            197
15     Judy                195              1                           196
16     Peg                  194             1                            195
17     Sean                190             3                            193
18     B-Ry               175             1                            176
19     Diane              170             1                            171

I have checked these figures twice and believe them to be correct, but still, these are unofficial.

Mike won in a runaway.  Interestingly, his SB picks were identical to mine.  Hmmm...

I think I made the biggest jump, climbing from 11th to a tie for 3rd.

Diane gets the sportswomanship award.

Only four members picked the winner.

Interestingly, Marc was the only one to correctly pick "tie" for the most rushing TD's category, so he was the only one to win a point there.

Hopefully my efforts here will make Mike & Guido's job a bit easier.  Heaven knows they need the help.



Dilly Dilly


Looks like it is between me and you Jo ~ the desperate have reared there ugly heads and now they will need watch the game feeling sickened over what they have done.

Gutsy move Kev ~ where you one knee or two when she helped you with your picks?

Superbowl Picks 2017

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Well Now

To All League Owners:
  As much as I have coaxed, bribed, threatened, harassed, and charmed the defending champ to divulge her Super picks, she has maintained a stoic nature similar only to Millie with absolutely no signs of giving anything away. So I have little to nothing to go on as the eve of the Big One approaches. It has been almost as painful as making the wrong move when playing cards as Millie's partner! The look, the glare, the slight negative turn of the neck are too much to bear! Not even a twitch!
   History does show she has NEVER picked against the Pats as a few of our sultry and less productive owners have done recently. This may come down to the infamous additional 7 points added by Guido a few years back for no apparent reason other than to confuse Omaha as to who did what to who with turnovers! Well done Guido!
  To each of you in the mix just remember a couple subtle facts about this game. Foles v Brady and Brady v Foles. Eagles soar but Patriots have their muskets ready.
  This is no time for IT glitches but if so, Guido will probably not answer. Please refer all GO-Zone questions and concerns to Omaha. He always responds with some vague nonsense! His number is collect at 1-800-I DON'T KNOW. Please call often.

Best to all