Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Where has Omaha been?

Many members have been wondering what has happened to Omaha since his ignominious loss in the SuperBowl. Well, now we know. He has been throwing himself into the Playoff Rules, as if a tweaking of them would reclaim his lost title somehow.

While ostensibly he is complaining (again) about some bizarre minutia about playoff rules, his real target, as it is all the time, is our beloved Commish. If Omaha had put the same amount of attention and energy into his picks, he would not be reduced to crying about the rules.

Omaha didn't lose because of the rules. Omaha lost because of his sorry picks. It is easy to attack the Commish for every little thing, difficult to accept defeat with class.

It has been suspected that Omaha was behind the brutal attack on the Commish as he was recuperating from a cardiac ablation last summer. Now this summer, when the Commish has just been released from the hospital with anemia and exhaustion (from work on the League, no doubt), Omaha chooses to attack once again.

I am going to suggest a question on the Superbowl list to replace the take-away/turnover count. It will be a true/false which only Omaha will get wrong.

"Is Omaha a jerk."