Thursday, September 28, 2017

Guido Has Spoken, Week 3

1.  I have petitioned our beloved Commish to transfer all official league correspondence to Twitter. It is only right that we follow our beloved Leader and get with the times.

2. Jude the Prude shouldn't worry about Pats-Hater Omahahahahahahahahahaha, because he will defenestrate himself with his Super Bowl pick.

3. You Know Who You Are! Members are reminded that they should report any error in points accumulation (for or against them) in the Stats sheet, and any incorrect picks in the Picks Chart.

4. All is right in the world. Our esteemed and beloved Leader, The Commish, is in first place early in the year. Proving superior DNA, both of his sons, Peterborough and the 'Fro, are in second place only 2 points behind his Excellence! No member of importance is even close to them!

5. From First to Worst! Pops has learned a thing or two the past two weeks. After coming in first last week, and flirting with immortality, with and incredible 15-1 record, he came in last this week with a 6-10 clunker. Off course, his wasn't even close to The Ghost's epic futility of 3-12 last season, still to be compared to The Ghost is shameful enough.

6. Know The Rules! The Kink of the North should look up the rules about when to use nicknames and when to use real names in posts. He obviously hasn't gotten that far yet.

Our Great, Kind and Benevolent Leader, The Commish, told me (we are very close) that he wants to thank the many members who have welcomed him back from his recent heart surgery and that his cardiac surgeon is happy to report that he is making tons of money with all of these operations. I don't understand the Omahahahahahahahahahahs and Dinks of Deland for their efforts to frustrate, obfuscate and undermine the Blessed Leader.