Sunday, September 17, 2017

What's the matter with you people?

What the hell is the matter with you vermin disgusting dolts people? The season has hardly started and already there are accusations of cheating, demands for investigations, thinly veiled accusations of financial fraud and the usual bitter animosity toward each other! Really it is enough to make me sick.

1. Omahahahahaha is the only one who wants to see the league finances and he never wanted to see them before he began paying his dues. It has been fully explained to him that all the financial information is in Fort Myers so new data cannot be published until the Commish returns there. Yet he continues to spout off.

2. There is absolutely no proof that Lindsey has cheated. She had a very good first week and that is enough for the Dink of Deland to accuse her. He needs to apologize now.

3. Jude the Prude has been completely exonerated from any professional gambling charges. And, in a completely unrelated fact, her continued support for the Commish is greatly appreciated.

4. Omaha should spend more time worrying about his Grande Rouge football team than who is doing what to whom in his feverish mind. Nebraska seems particularly weak this year. Good grief, Northern Illinois State???

5. I have petitioned the Commish to be the author of the weekly observations. This motley group needs discipline, and no one can bring order better than GG!