Sunday, September 10, 2017

Never to early to nail the Commish

I don't know why I always have to clean up after the Commish.  But somebody has to.

Go Zone members  - please refer to the Playoff Rules, specifically scoring.

I quote:  "Item f - Most turnovers on offense (a defensive turnover is called a takeaway.)"  Huh???

Now...what the hell does that mean?

If a defense is returning a punt and fumbles the ball away to the kicking team, is that a turnover?  Or, is it a takeaway?

Or more to the point, who the hell cares?

Here's how official scoring views it:

Mike's team throws a pass, my team intercepts.   In team statistics, that is a turnover for Mike's team and a takeaway for my team.  If, while returning the interception my team fumbles the ball back to Mike's team, now both teams have a turnover, and both teams have a takeaway.

Mikes team (whether on offense or on defense, fumbles the ball, and my team recovers it.  That is a turnover for Mike's team, and a takeaway for my team.  Now, while returning the fumble, if my team fumbles the ball back to Mike's team, we both have a turnover and we both have a takeaway.

To reduce this to even simpler terms that even our esteemed Commish might (emphasis on might)comprehend, an interception is always a turnover, and a lost fumble is always a turnover.

So, how about removing all the confusion and unnecessary garbage and simple change item "f" to read:

f.  Team committing most turnovers.

Lemme know if you need any more help, Commish.
