Friday, September 29, 2017

Good news on surgery front

Had my appointment with the Ortho surgeon yesterday.  After reviewing the MRI and Xrays on my right shoulder, and then putting me through some physical maneuvers, he feels there's a very good chance I won't need shoulder and rotator cuff surgery.  He feels the chances are 80% I won't need the surgery.

He is lining up physical therapy for me and then a revisit in 6 weeks for a re-evaluation.

He was quite impressed than I had torn the biceps muscle in my left shoulder back in 2014 and did not seek any medical treatment.  The movement and strength in my left arm is very strong, and he said for such a short time after rupturing the right biceps there is pretty good strength and movement in that shoulder also.

He gave me a steroids shot that should increase my driver by at least another 45 yards, and surprisingly, did not rule out golf for the remainder of the year.  I'm looking forward to 300-yard drives.   He recommends chipping & putting initially, graduating to some range practice, and let my pain or discomfort, if any, determine if I want to get on the course.  I am to play the ball "up" when in the rough.

Anyway, the prognosis looks promising provided I continue my extremely healthy lifestyle and avoid at all costs any aggravating contact (is there any other kind?) with my bratty sister.
